
How to  understand and comply with the new cookie law so that your website won't be in breach of the EU Privacy and Communications Directive.

I am not sure how many of you are aware of this but since the 26th May 2012, user consent must be sought for websites using cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files that websites place on visitors' computers to store a range of information, usually specific to that visitor - or rather the device they are using to view the site - like the browser or mobile phone.
They were created to overcome a limitation in web technology. Web pages are 'stateless' - which means that they have no memory, and cannot easily pass information between each other. So cookies provide a kind of memory for web pages. To read more

Apparently, things are going fast as last week the ICO  sent letters to the owners of 75 of the UK's top websites, asking them about their cookie law compliance.
These websites owners were asked what actions they have taken to comply with the law, and given  28 days to explain why they didn't yet take any actions if they hadn't and to set up a plan of action.

They are obviously concentrating on the big fish, but what does it mean for us 'small' or less 'small' website owners?

I have found a couple of articles I wanted to share with you on this subject, one is an official source, the other is  just an opinion.

This video also goes some way to explaining the idiocy of this legislation.

Have you already complied with this law?
What did you add to your site?

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Top 10 Goal Setting Ideas For Goal Setters'

Get 'Top 10 Goal Setting Ideas For Goal Setters' ebook for when you like our Facebook page.

Table of content:

1. Financial Goals
2. Dream Home Goals
3. Relationship Goals
4. Business Goals
5. Life Goals
6. Career Goals
7. Investment Goals
8. Material Goals
9. Learning Goals
10. Philanthropic Goals



Get this ebook for free when you join our Facebook page
or get it for £5.99 now!

The trader's business plan

The trader's business plan

Many people, excited by the opportunities presented in the markets,

leap before they look. Some people find temporary success “winging

it” or learning as they go. However, more often than not, that approach

results in massive drawdowns, despondency and closed trading

accounts. Newcomers to the markets, and even those who have

already started trading (even successfully), may find themselves

reading this article and thinking “What does this chap mean by…?” or

“I never thought of that”. If that’s the case, you may very well benefit

from the time investment required to thoroughly learn your trade, study

all the tools available, and design a business plan before expanding

your activity in the markets. Here, Chris Terry offers an outline for

designing a business plan with the elements required for a successful

career trading.

If you are interested in penny stocks try the penny stock detective or ultimate penny shares

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7 Habits of Successful trader

7 Habits of a Highly Successful Trader

Table of Contents

1. Take Complete Responsibility:

2. Have a System That fits You:

3. Plan a Trade and Trade a Plan:

4. Work Hard at Learning How to Trade Properly and Keep Working:

5. Positive Self- Belief:

6. View Trading as a Score in Points and Not In Money:

7. Keep trading as Part of a Balanced life:

To read more an learn about being a successful trader.
By '7 Habits of a Highly Successful Trader' for £4.99
only! Limited offer.

Businesses That Can Make You Millions

Businesses That Can Make You Millions

Business means a lot of different things to a lot of different people.
Some businesses require a lot of hard work and make only
a little bit of money. Other businesses take a lot less work, but
make a lot more money. How do you know which is which? Wouldn’t it
be wonderful if there was somebody who did know the difference, and
who could simply tell you which business models could make the most
amount of money in the least amount of time?
That’s what I am going to do in this e-book. When it comes to
business, I’ve enjoyed success with several different business models,
and I believe you can learn from my experience. I was the CEO of my
own corporation for ten years. I have also run a publishing business, a
property management business and several real estate investment companies,
as well as information businesses for my speaking, writing,
workshops and teleseminars teaching wealth strategies. Some of these
businesses took an incredible amount of time and effort and reaped a
modest amount of money, while others required much less of my time
and yielded far more money.
Some businesses require lots of time and
effort and yield little money; others take
minimal time and yield maximum rewards.
How can you tell which is which?
For you to make millions of dollars, you must use one of the forms of
businesses I write about in this e-book or in its companion, Making Millions
While You Sleep. I’ll show you which business models are the easiest
and which ones require the least amount of your time, so you can make
millions of dollars the fastest.

To read more and know what businesses

can make you millions

buy the ebook now for £3.99!

Get a free Ebook every month when you make comments on this blog and you join us on our Facebook page.

Recession: A Golden Opportunity to invest

 Recession: A Golden Opportunity to invest

Although recession can create severe problems for the economy of a nation, it still offers the
chance to make serious money. Before you can effectively invest during a recession, you have
to know how the market behaves during these times. Generally, there are three things that
1. The stock market will get hit first and hardest. The reason for this is simple; during a
recession, household income decreases thus reducing household expenditures. In other words
people are spending less money. Companies therefore, make less money, resulting in lower
earnings and share prices.
2. Inventories decrease because businesses cut production and draw on their stored resources.
These compound upon the lack of demand that already is hitting the company, and normally
causes unemployment to go up because employers lay off employees that they no longer need.
3. Since work is harder to find, general wages decrease.
There are many investment options during recession. But, the best options are listed below.

To know more get this ebook for £2.99

Get 'Top 10 Goal Setting Ideas For Goal Setters' ebook for when you like our Facebook page.

The Art of Money Getting or Golden Rules for Making Money -

Those who really desire to attain an independence, have only to set
their minds upon it, and adopt the proper means, as they do in regard to
any other object which they wish to accomplish, and the thing is easily
done. But however easy it may be found to make money, I have no doubt
many of my hearers will agree it is the most difficult thing in the
world to keep it. The road to wealth is, as Dr. Franklin truly says, "as
plain as the road to the mill." It consists simply in expending less
than we earn; that seems to be a very simple problem. Mr. Micawber, one
of those happy creations of the genial Dickens, puts the case in a
strong light when he says that to have annual income of twenty pounds
per annum, and spend twenty pounds and sixpence, is to be the most
miserable of men; whereas, to have an income of only twenty pounds, and
spend but nineteen pounds and sixpence is to be the happiest of mortals.
Many of my readers may say, "we understand this: this is economy, and we
know economy is wealth; we know we can't eat our cake and keep it also."
Yet I beg to say that perhaps more cases of failure arise from mistakes
on this point than almost any other. The fact is, many people think they
understand economy when they really do not.
True economy is misapprehended, and people go through life without
properly comprehending what that principle is. One says, "I have an

income of so much, and here is my neighbor who has the same; yet every
year he gets something ahead and I fall short; why is it?

To read more, get this ebook for £2.99

Get 'Top 10 Goal Setting Ideas For Goal Setters' ebook for when you like our Facebook page.

Secrets of Successful Millionaire Women

Secrets of Successful Millionaire Women

Congratulations from Millionaire Women! By reading this e-book you have proven to us – and more importantly to yourself – that you are ready and willing to develop your feminine millionaire mind to achieve the outrageous business and investing success that you deserve! Our entire purpose at is to provide you with the information, inspiration and step-by-step mentoring that you need to make your financial dreams come true.

This e-book is intended to provide you with an introduction to four key areas:

How you can participate in the millionaire women revolution RIGHT NOW!
How you can harness the powers of publicity, branding and marketing for outrageous business success
How you can multiply your financial success by investing with intelligent strategies and confidence
How you can develop the uniquely feminine mindset of success
Each of these four areas is an important pillar upon which the success of your entire financial life is built.

If you want to move at a super speed and really fast-track yourself to success, use this e-book,
it will teach you everything that you
need to know to turn your ideas, business or product into an outrageous success;

The Millionaire Women Secrets of Success provides

you with the inspiration and mindset of multi-millionaires;

and are designed to teach you step by-
step how to make intelligent investment choices and grow your wealth.

To read more and get get the email. Get it for £2.99

Get 'Top 10 Goal Setting Ideas For Goal Setters' ebook for when you like our Facebook page.

21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires

21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires

What you are about to learn can change your life. These ideas, insights and
strategies have been the springboards to financial success for millions
of men and women, from every walk of life. These principles are
simple, effective and fairly easy to apply. Each of them is based on
exhaustive research and interviews with thousands of self-made
millionaires. They have been tested and proven over and over again,
and they will work for you if you will take them and apply them in
your own life.
We are living at the greatest time in all of human history. More
people are becoming wealthy today, starting from nothing than has
ever been imagined. There are more than five million millionaires in
America, most of them self-made, and the number is growing by 15%
to 20% each year. We even have self-made ten millionaires, hundred
millionaires and more than two hundred billionaires. We have never
seen this type of rapid wealth creation in all of human history.
Here's the good news. Virtually everyone starts with nothing.
Probably 99% of all financially successful people today started off
broke or nearly broke. The average self-made millionaire has been
bankrupt or close to bankrupt 3.2 times. Most of them failed over and
over again before they finally found the right opportunity that they
were able to leverage into financial success. And what hundreds of
thousands and millions of other people have done, you can do as
The iron law of human destiny is the Law of Cause and Effect. This
law is simple yet very powerful. It says that there is a specific effect
for every cause. For every action, there is a reaction. This law says
that success is not an accident. Financial success is the result of doing
certain, specific things, over and over again, until you get the effect
that you desire.
Nature is neutral. This means that nature, the marketplace, our
society, does not care who you are or what you are. The law simply
says that if you do what other successful people do, you will get the
results that other successful people get. And if you don't, you won't.
When you learn and apply the success secrets of self-made
millionaires in your own life, you will experience results and rewards
far beyond anything you have ever accomplished in life up until

To read more, get this ebook for £2.99

Get 'Top 10 Goal Setting Ideas For Goal Setters' ebook for when you like our Facebook page.

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Life goals are a vision. Life goals are a vision of your life, of who you want to be. Not the material things, but the big picture. This is your health, wealth, happiness all rolled into one. 
Life goals are very personal, the vision you come up with could be totally different than my vision, and that of almost everyone else on the face of the planet. No one wants the same woman, the same home, the same lifestyle.

These are all things that make your dream, your dream; however, to accomplish this, will require painting that picture, and dreaming a bit. You will need to have experienced a life, at least to a point where you know what you like and don't like.

I am sure you have had those experiences that have made you think of what you like and don't like. Awareness is the key, and setting life goals is truly the place that this can happen for you.

To read more join us click here!

Get 'Top 10 Goal Setting Ideas For Goal Setters' ebook for when you like our Facebook page.

Get a free ebook!

These are few Ebooks which give away very valuable tips on how to make, keep, save money. How to become and enjoy being successful.

You can also get a free Ebook when you make comments on this blog and you join us on our Facebook page.


- 101 Copywriting tips 

- 21 Ways to make money online                         

- 7 Habits of Successful trader

- 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires

- Secrets of Successful Millionaire Women

- The Art of Money Getting or Golden Rules for Making Money

- Recession: A Golden Opportunity to invest

- The trader's business plan

- Businesses That Can Make You Millions

- Top 10 Goal Setting Ideas For Goal Setters'

Get a free Ebook every month when you make comments on this blog and you join us on our Facebook page.

No No 8800! Best hair removal device.

The No No 8800 is the newest version in The NoNo family. The 8800 model is a major step up from the original "classic" model which among other things you couldn't use on your face.

No No 8800 on - prices have been reduced and free shipping

No No 8800 on - prices have been reduced and free shipping

The mainly characteristic of the NoNo 8800 is that over time, it will dramatically decrease the amount of hair on your body AND the time it takes for your hair to grow back. Thanks to its innovative shape no part of your body is off limits and it can be used on anywhere, of course the most popular areas for The No No Hair Remover are the legs, the face, and the bikini line. A lot of men uses it on their chests and backs to remove or control unwanted hair, some use it on their face to remove their beards because unlike waxing, traditional laser treatments and other options, the no no 8800 removes hair completely without pain. 

Although the NoNo looks like a razor, there is no blade involve which means no  actual cutting and no risk for accidental cuts. A blue thermodynamic wire within the device which is protected by buffers so there is no harm to the skin, transmits heat to the roots of hair follicles wherever the device is placed. That heat disrupts communication between the root of the hair follicle and  the bulge, the spot that is known to stimulate hair growth, hence rapidly decreasing the rate of growth of the hair. The NoNo disrupts the cells contained within the follicles which, over time, could result in a 94% REDUCTION in hair growth on those areas where it is used, and this can last for as long as you want it to with a continuous treatment schedule. Although it can be used daily for even better results, the manufacturer recommends using it only as little as 2 to 3 times per week.


  • The no no 8800 can be used on any skin type and hair colour. It is the only safe and easy home based device to work safely and efficiently on black skin and light hair.
  • It is easy to use and does not require any more skill than it does to use a razor.
  • The device is small and compact, it can easily go anywhere with you.
  • The device is safer than your average hair removal device, and has all kinds of buffers to protect users from harm.
  • There is no risk of damaging hair or skin.
  • In the early stages of using the device, you will have to use a razor to take care of the coarse hair as they will be left over.

    Professional review author Cindy Walters states "This device is much more than just your average, run-of-the-mill hair removal system. It’s a doctor-recommended, high caliber device designed to give you salon-quality results right at home. It’s safe, effective, and simple! The product works by way of innovative Thermicon technology that uses the power of heat to prevent hair follicles from regrowing the hair people try so hard to get rid of. No dangerous lasers to worry about."
    The NoNo works perfectly, but it is up to the user how efficiently and quickly it will work.
    The No No 8800 can be found at, and amazon.

    No No 8800 on prices have been reduced and free shipping

    No No 8800 on prices have been reduced and free shipping


    Silk’n, SensEpil is an innovative light-based device for hair removal in the privacy of your home. Safe, easy to use, and cost effective, Silk'nSensEpil achieves excellent results while offering personal convenience.

    SilknSensEpil at
    SilknSensEpil at

    Silk’n SensEpil has been clinically proven to  remove hair on face and body from the cheekbones level down to the chin, around the lips, cheeks, chin, neck, underarms, arms, legs, bikini line, back, and chest. Trials report excellent, professional-level results after only 4-6 hair removing sessions.

    Silk'n Sensepil can be used by women and men.

    Silk’n, SensEpil also has a built-in smart Skin Sensor which detects if your skin complexion is safe for treatment. So the treatment will only begin if your skin type is in the allowable range, and if the skin type is not appropriate, the device will not turn on. The treatment only is very quick and you can be done in 20 minutes.

    Thanks to the recent upgrades of the SensEpil device, you do not need to even apply pressure when applying on the skin. It is far less painful than waxing and in fact is rather painless.

    The price of Silk'n beats the alternatives

    The price of Silk'n is at a fraction of the cost of a lifetime of short-term hair removal products or hair reduction treatments by an aesthetician or a doctor. If you are interested there is also a free shipping offer. Go to Silk’n, SensEpil and get yours today with free shipping for a short period of time
    Free Shipping Code: 123SHIP

    Silk’n, SensEpil, Silkn, hair removal, home hair removal, laser, IPL, hair reduction, personal hair removal. Watch before and after photos and videos

    SilknSensEpil at
    SilknSensEpil at

    Car Insurance

    This is the time of the year again when I need to renew my car insurance.  I find it very daunting to go through all these different insurance companies. And sadly, I may well end up renewing my old policy which is astronomically expensive but not before I do some little research first.
    Even though Car insurance premiums are quite high, going without cover is not an option, first it is agains the law and second it is when you are not covered that things happen. The government has  introduced continuous insurance enforcement regulations to crack down on uninsured motorists. The rules make it compulsory to take out insurance if you own a car, even if it sits in the garage for six months of the year. Except if your car has been declared off the road and have a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN)  from the DVLA.
    Believe me the penalties for driving without insurance will be much higher than the policy.

    Car insurance premium are expensive because of:

    - Uninsured drivers. They add an average £30 to the price of a car insurance policy, according to the Motor Insurers' Bureau.
    - Personal injury claims are another significant problem with Whiplash claims being particularly common.

    Insurance is all about calculating the risk, so the riskier the motorist, the higher the premium. Age is important to insurer, as I'm sure you have notice if you are below 29 or you have a child who is.
    - Age is another influence on car insurance quotes.
    - Driving record. So if you have any speeding tickets or convictions expect a higher quote. 
    - Previous claims. If you have previously made claims you will have higher premium.
    - Your occupation as some jobs are considered riskier than others.
    - Your postcode will affect your premium because of the crime figure 
    - Your parking arrangements, whether you keep your car in a locked or attended garage when it's not in use, you will pay less for your car insurance than your neighbour who parks on the street.
    - You car's make and model. Insurers rate cars into one of 50 groups, depending on their engine size, performance, and repair costs. Cars in group 1 are cheaper to insure than cars in group 50.

    There are basically three different types of car insurance policy: third party, third party fire and theft and comprehensive.
    Third party car insurance being the most basic it is the legal minimum requirement. With it you have cover for any injury to another person or damage to their property.
    Third party fire and theft also covers you in case of fire and theft.
    Fully comprehensive is the most popular and covers a wide range of risks, above and beyond the legal minimum.
    Third party insurance may not necessarily be the cheapest option.
    It is worth shopping around with website such as:Go compare, Compare the market, Moneymarket are excellent to get advice and compare quotes.

    There are a number of things that can be done to get cheaper car insurance:

    - Accumulation of no claims discount so if you have not made any claim you will be rewarded.
    - Taking additional qualifications such as the Driving Standards Agency's Pass Plus course.
    - Driving a limited amount of miles.
    -Comparing quotes with websites such as Go compare, Compare The Market, MoneySupermarket,

    One thing is for sure, loyalty rarely pays so take the time to shop around for quotes to see if you can beat the offer from your existing insurer.

    Professional Indemnity Insurance

    Professional Indemnity Insurance (PI) is for all professional bodies who are in the business of interacting with the public either selling their knowledge or their skills. It is a liability insurance.

    PI insurance covers you and  your business against claims for loss or damages made by a client or third party in the eventuality that you are found to have been negligent in the services you provided or if you have made a mistake. PI insurance also covers legal costs.

    Having PI insurance cover is now a  regulatory requirement in many professions and not having one can be very damagins especially if you are specifically required to have to comply to your body or your  professional authorisation. For example accountants, architects, doctors, financial and/or mortgage advisors,insurance brokers, psychologies, solicitors and many other consultants, advertising and PR agencies, fashion, management consultants also choose to have such insurance.

    One important aspect to consider when you are researching for PI insurance is that cover is usually on a claims-made basis. This means that the policy will only cover claims that are made while the policy is 'live' so you should keep up with your payments at all time to remain covered.

    Many insurance companies offers Professional Indemnity, it is wise to do your homework and go with the insurer which fits you profession.

    - Hiscox provides Indemnity insurance. Hiscox's professional indemnity policy will offer cover for compensation and any legal costs due to negligence or mistakes. Hiscox has 7 levels of professional indemnity insurance cover.

    - Simply Business insurance for business is another one which provides good service. Simply Business allows you to get and compare quotes online.

    - Policy Bee is another insurance.

    Banks also offer Indemnity Insurance policy check with yours.

    You can also add public liability or employer liability to your policy.

    When you find an insurer always check that they are a member of the Association of British Insurers (ABI). Check that an insurer is a member of the ABI at the ABI website - Opens in a new window.

    Ligne Roset's Les Trois Bouquets Blancs

    Les Trois Bouquets Blancs– Vase (Set of 3 stacking, spherical)

    I have just got my Ligne Roset’s Les Trois Bouquets Blancs– ! It  is three stacking vases in matt white ceramic, with the signature of Pascal Mourgue on the lowest one. It looks beautiful and is truly modern and contemporary and goes perfectly in my new living room. Have a look for yourself, it is still on offer for a short time and check the collection at Ligne Roset.

    Recession: A Golden Opportunity to invest

    Recession: A Golden Opportunity to invest - £2.99

    How to write an Ebook in 7 days!

    Having your own ebook can have more than one advantage. First, it establishes you as an expert in your field, second it will bring traffic to your website and third it can make you a very prosperous person. Yes having your ebook can bring you success and money. Knowing that, why doesn't everybody have an ebook, after all we are all expert in something and having a lot to teach others. The main reason why few people don't write ebooks is because many of them don't think they have a talent for writing. I believe that everyone can write an ebook this is why I am willing to share some of the tips I have used to write ebooks, reports, press releases...and more. Here is the method I used to write my first ebook in 7 days.

    ~~Day 1~~

    First and foremost, you need to know what you want to achieve.
    Is it for the money?
    For the fame?
    To help others?
    Once you have decided your main motivator you are ready to start, and need to find a subject.
    Your subject could be anything from a simple hobby to what you do for work.
    Like in everything you need to have a map, a plan so you can decide how you are going to structure your ebook.For instance, the number of chapters, number of pages...etc.
    Day 1 is the day when you set your goals.

    ~~Day 2~~

    Now you know the subject you want to write about, you have set your goals. It is time to start your research and thinking. What will your ebook say and how?
    What key points do you want to make? Who is going to read and what would they like to read?
    Do not start writing your ebook, just gather your thoughts and put everything down in a notepad so you can get back to it when you are ready to write.
    Day 2 is not the day to write but the day to research, prepare and write down ideas. Write everything down so you won't forget anything.

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    ~~Days 3, 4~~

    This is it! You know why you want to write, what you want to write, who is going to read your ebook. You have all your ideas and everthing down on paper. You are ready to start writing.
    Day 3 is the day when you start writing. Set up your alarm clock, get u, unplug the telephone, switch off your mobile, go to your computer, log off Skype, do not log into your email account and start. Take all your research and notes put them in order and begin writing. Even if you don't know what to write, write nonetheless, even if it is just your name and the date, and don't stop writing. Write whatever comes to your mind, do not stop to think, do not think at all just follow your instinct and keep writing. Forget about rules, grammar, punctuation...this will come later, right now just keep writing. Don't worry no one is going to see this it is for your eyes only.

    ~~Day 5~~

    Your ebook is written but not ready to be seen by anyone else than you, so it needs to be edited. This step is very important do not delay. Many people go through the effort of researching, writing their ebook but delay editiing and never get back to it. Editing is when you re-read everything and apply all the grammar, punctuations rules, spelling and so forth. Delete everything that does not make sense, is wrong or doesn't help you convey a clear message.

    New WhiteSmoke 2011

    ~~Day 6~~
    Is the day when you rest, do not touch the ebook. Go out, see what you have to do but do not read your ebook.

    ~~Day 7~~

    Read your ebook with a fresh eye like a book someone else had written and correct everything that you feel should be corrected.
    Make 5 copies or less but not more and send them to friends to give you feedback or ask a professional, I would gladly give you an objective feedback on your work. Get them to mark their corrections in the copy you provided.
    Once you receive the copies back correct and make amendments. You do not have to follow all of their suggestions but if many of your friends have made the same recommendation you should probably follow their advice.

    And this is how you write an ebook in 7 days. There is still few steps to go through before you will be able to sell or distribute your ebook such as finding photos (iStockphoto UK is a good and cheap site to get great picture), format it, marketing it but the most difficult stage (of writing it) is passed.
    Download HubSpot's free eBook, ���101 Awesome Marketing Quotes���, and get inspired.

    Incentivised Freebie Websites

    These websites are the best websites right now to either make or save money online. Give them a try! It's not to find a job online, it's not about working from home either but it is to win the latest gadgets, gizmos, getting cashback and others. They work well, it is not easy money, you have to have patience and be dedicated but if you are ready so are they.

    Gifts Kudos This site requires you to get referral and gives you great gifts for it. Ideal if you have a lot of friends or  a large network

    BigCrumbs is an American site where you can shop and get cashback or discounts.

    British Rewards is another freebie sites where you can get good gifts if you are great at getting people.

    Hits4pay also gives you free rewards. - The rewards site that works

    Be Rewarded with the Web's Premiere Rewards Site

    5 ways to make money blogging for beginners.

    Yes, it is possible to make money online. You can start blogging and make money at the same time with a blog, there is no get rich quick schemes, no magic wand to wave, just hard work, patience and dedication. The main reason why people don't make money is because they do not stick with it. They are not focused enough and if they don't see results in 6 months, they lose patience and give up. It took me 2 years to make a very decent income from blogs and websites. When I started I knew what was my goal and I was not prepared to give up until I reached it.
    The good news is that making money online involves a lot of investment, time and sometimes money but only at the beginning. So if you do everything right, you will be able to collect residual incomes for years. Alternatively I'm sure something to make ends meet every month would be welcome. I can still remember how excited I was when I made my first 15 cents! So you too start blogging and make money at the same time read on.  You may ask how long did it take me to start making decent money through blogging? It requires patience, so don't think it is going to happen overnight or in a couple of weeks.  So here's a guide to How to Make Money Blogging For Beginners.

    First and foremost you need to get a website or a blog.

    Best blog providers are:


    And they are free.
    If you prefer having a website there are some very good providers out there. Whether you get a blog or a website you will need to buy a domain name (not necessary for a blog but preferable unless you want to long url). These providers are the best:

    Godaddy UK

    So now you have a website or a blog how do you make money with it?

    1. Use PPC Advertising Networks

    Google AdSense is the most popular option under this category, but not the only one. The way it works, you sign up with the network copy and paste some code snippets on your website page. The network will then serve contextual ads (either text or images) relevant to your website, and you will earn a certain amount of money for every click.  Of course the success of PPC advertising depends on the general traffic levels of your website and, most importantly, on the click-through rate (CTR) and cost per click (CPC). The CTR depends on the design of the website. Ads placed above the fold, tend to get higher CTRs. The CPC, on the other hand, depends on the niche of the website. Mortgages, financial products are examples of profitable niches.

    List of few PPC advertising networks:


    2.Affiliate Marketing

    Affiliate marketing is a very popular practice on the Internet. A merchant is willing to let other people (the affiliates) sell directly or indirectly its products and services, in exchange for a commission. Sometimes this type of advertising is also called CPA (cost per action) or CPL (cost per lead) based. Affiliates send potential customers to the merchant using several tools, from banners to text links and product reviews or photos. In order to find suitable affiliate programs you can turn to individual companies and publishers like Dreamhost and SEOBook, or join affiliate marketplaces and networks.

    List of the most popular affiliate marketplaces and networks:

     •Link Share

    3. Marketplaces
    Sitepoint is the online marketplace by excellence. Some websites and blogs, however, are trying to replicate that model on a smaller scale.

    Depending on your niche, a market place that allows your visitors to buy, sell and trade products could work well. Over the time you could start charging a small fee for new product listings.
    You can see an example of a marketplaces being used on EasyWordpress and on Mashable.

    4. Donations

    Placing a “Donate” link or button on a website can be an efficient way to earn money, especially if your blog is on a niche where readers learn and gain value from your content. Personal development and productivity blogs, for instance, tend to perform well with donation based systems.
    Create donation buttons with Paypal

    5. In-text Adverting

    In-text advert network like adBrite will place a sponsored links inside your text. These links come with a double underline to differentiate them from normal links. Each time the reader place his mouse over the link the advertising will pop up. The site owner makes money when the reader clicks on the link.

    Some people make good money with this method, but others refrain from using it due to its intrusiveness. It is also interesting to note that very few mainstream websites have experimented with in-text advertisin

    The Art of Money Getting or Golden Rules for Making Money-£2.99

    Go Daddy

    GoDaddy is an Internet domain registrar and Web hosting company that also sells e-business related software and services. GoDaddy  is currently the largest ICANN-accredited registrar in the world, and is four times the size of its closest competitor.[

    You can also make money, reselling and hosting website with GoDaddy.
    For example, think of all the people you know who need or would like a website. If you have a blog or a website that targets people who need domains and hosting, you can become their provider.
    How many people do you know with Blogger, Wordpress (or other free sites) who don't like having that long, awkward address? They can  get a REAL domain ( from GoDaddy and forward it to their blog.

    Special Offer! 20% off New 12+mo Hosting plans!

    Not sure if it is true but  after some research I have found one bad review about GoDaddy. According to this reviewer if you go to and under "Start a Domain Name search" you put in a domain name that is available, GoDaddy will buy it, deny it & put it under the name of another company. Personally, I have used them for years and never had a problem of any kind.
    Which is why I am happy to recommend GoDaddy to all my readers, if they are interested in owning and/or hosting a website.


     Groupon and Chemist 4 U

    Last week there was an ad on Groupon which got my attention. It was the discount for No No! hair removal system that was offered by Chemist 4 U.
    Did you go gor it?

    Is Odesk right for you?

    Are you looking for a contractor that can get that task done on time or are you someone looking for work?oDesk is the largest among a number of companies, including Elance, Freelancer, Guru and vWorker (formerly Rent A Coder), that create marketplaces in which independent contractors and their clients can contact one another.

    If you are looking for a writer or a developper, a translator, a virtual assistant, or any other online job to be done, you can post your jobs for free. The company's oDesk team software increases transparency and allows a client to have confidence in the billing done by a contractor whom the buyer may never have met and who may be half a world away. oDesk

    If you are a writer or a developper, a translator, a virtual assistant or have other talents or freelance work and are looking for work, then you can set up a free oDesk account and start bidding for work.

    To get updates on offers and opportunites to make money and being more successful