
How to write an Ebook in 7 days!

Having your own ebook can have more than one advantage. First, it establishes you as an expert in your field, second it will bring traffic to your website and third it can make you a very prosperous person. Yes having your ebook can bring you success and money. Knowing that, why doesn't everybody have an ebook, after all we are all expert in something and having a lot to teach others. The main reason why few people don't write ebooks is because many of them don't think they have a talent for writing. I believe that everyone can write an ebook this is why I am willing to share some of the tips I have used to write ebooks, reports, press releases...and more. Here is the method I used to write my first ebook in 7 days.

~~Day 1~~

First and foremost, you need to know what you want to achieve.
Is it for the money?
For the fame?
To help others?
Once you have decided your main motivator you are ready to start, and need to find a subject.
Your subject could be anything from a simple hobby to what you do for work.
Like in everything you need to have a map, a plan so you can decide how you are going to structure your ebook.For instance, the number of chapters, number of pages...etc.
Day 1 is the day when you set your goals.

~~Day 2~~

Now you know the subject you want to write about, you have set your goals. It is time to start your research and thinking. What will your ebook say and how?
What key points do you want to make? Who is going to read and what would they like to read?
Do not start writing your ebook, just gather your thoughts and put everything down in a notepad so you can get back to it when you are ready to write.
Day 2 is not the day to write but the day to research, prepare and write down ideas. Write everything down so you won't forget anything.

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~~Days 3, 4~~

This is it! You know why you want to write, what you want to write, who is going to read your ebook. You have all your ideas and everthing down on paper. You are ready to start writing.
Day 3 is the day when you start writing. Set up your alarm clock, get u, unplug the telephone, switch off your mobile, go to your computer, log off Skype, do not log into your email account and start. Take all your research and notes put them in order and begin writing. Even if you don't know what to write, write nonetheless, even if it is just your name and the date, and don't stop writing. Write whatever comes to your mind, do not stop to think, do not think at all just follow your instinct and keep writing. Forget about rules, grammar, punctuation...this will come later, right now just keep writing. Don't worry no one is going to see this it is for your eyes only.

~~Day 5~~

Your ebook is written but not ready to be seen by anyone else than you, so it needs to be edited. This step is very important do not delay. Many people go through the effort of researching, writing their ebook but delay editiing and never get back to it. Editing is when you re-read everything and apply all the grammar, punctuations rules, spelling and so forth. Delete everything that does not make sense, is wrong or doesn't help you convey a clear message.

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~~Day 6~~
Is the day when you rest, do not touch the ebook. Go out, see what you have to do but do not read your ebook.

~~Day 7~~

Read your ebook with a fresh eye like a book someone else had written and correct everything that you feel should be corrected.
Make 5 copies or less but not more and send them to friends to give you feedback or ask a professional, I would gladly give you an objective feedback on your work. Get them to mark their corrections in the copy you provided.
Once you receive the copies back correct and make amendments. You do not have to follow all of their suggestions but if many of your friends have made the same recommendation you should probably follow their advice.

And this is how you write an ebook in 7 days. There is still few steps to go through before you will be able to sell or distribute your ebook such as finding photos (iStockphoto UK is a good and cheap site to get great picture), format it, marketing it but the most difficult stage (of writing it) is passed.
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