
Recession: A Golden Opportunity to invest

 Recession: A Golden Opportunity to invest

Although recession can create severe problems for the economy of a nation, it still offers the
chance to make serious money. Before you can effectively invest during a recession, you have
to know how the market behaves during these times. Generally, there are three things that
1. The stock market will get hit first and hardest. The reason for this is simple; during a
recession, household income decreases thus reducing household expenditures. In other words
people are spending less money. Companies therefore, make less money, resulting in lower
earnings and share prices.
2. Inventories decrease because businesses cut production and draw on their stored resources.
These compound upon the lack of demand that already is hitting the company, and normally
causes unemployment to go up because employers lay off employees that they no longer need.
3. Since work is harder to find, general wages decrease.
There are many investment options during recession. But, the best options are listed below.

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