From Celebrity Life Coach Steve G. Jones...
Finally! How To Become A Money-Making Life Coach
From Home (Using Their Internationally-Recognized Certification Program Built On Their $8 Million+ Business Blueprint)...
In case you haven’t noticed, we are living in the information age.
A few decades ago, when we were in the industrial age it was your ability to learn a trade that enabled you to get ahead in life.
Today Information Is King
Without a shadow of a doubt, it is your ability to access the most effective information at the right time... that increases your ability to be successful.Within the realm of those who attain success through information are two types of people; the people that seek information and the people who provide information.
Both types of people live in harmony, can switch roles at various times and constantly remain in that cycle as their journey toward success proceeds.
If you choose not to be a part of either one of these groups, your chances of success in this world of information that we live in are very limited and virtually non-existent.
Let Me Explain how All Of This Works, Who I Am And More Importantly, Why You Should Listen To What I Have To Say
"Believe It Or Not, My First Coaching
Sale Was $4,200!"
Sale Was $4,200!"
And the method by which I do so is pretty simple. I implant certain messages into the subconscious mind of the person that I'm working with that causes them to think and behave in a way that is congruent with achieving whatever it is that is important to them.
If they want to quit smoking, I implant messages in their brain that makes them not want to smoke or to have the desire to do so.
If they want to lose weight, I implant messages that cause them to want to exercise and make better eating choices.
At the end of the day, I'm nothing more than a coach, because that's exactly what a coach does. A coach helps a person find whatever it is that is already within them and utilize it to make them more successful at achieving their goals.
And The Fact Of The Matter Is That We All Need Coaches
First, they expose people to resources and information that they might not necessarily have had access to prior to the coaching, and secondly they provide a source of motivation for helping people to stay on track.
In reality, just having the information is only part of the process.
We all know that eating healthy and exercising roughly 5 days a week will give us the body that we want. Yet billions of people around the world spend billions of dollars each year looking for ways to lose weight.
The reason for this is simple. We have the information but what we are lacking is the motivation to actually put that information to use. And that's another reason why people can reach higher levels of potential with coaches, and they can without them.
How does this benefit you? Well the answer is simple.
First off, there will always be a need for life coaches because people almost always need information that they are lacking in some capacity. Even if they have the right information, they will always need to be motivated.
These people are the information seekers of the world that I spoke about earlier. Their coaches are the information providers.
Mike Litman is one guy who identified the fact that there will always be a need for coaches, a long time before just about anyone.
Heck, that’s probably the reason why he was able to build an $8 million dollar coaching business in less time than it takes the average person to get a promotion at their job!