
What is Success?

Success is the seven letter word that all of us keep running after all our lives. We spend entire lifetimes just running behind success.  But success is largely misunderstood and is weighed in bank balances and material satisfaction. While we are lost in the worldly aspect of success, we forget the deeper emotional and spiritual quotient attached to it.

Success is when you feel proud of your own self for achieving something. Success isn’t something that stays shut between brick and cement walls. Whether you graduated from the most prestigious B-school or won a prize at the local instrumental competition, or finished your school homework on time or even finished eating a cereal bar! You are successful then!

Success is interpreted differently by many. If you ask a child, he would probably say, finishing the vegetable that he isn’t fond of, is success! For a teen it would be escaping the cops for breaking the traffic rules and for a middle aged guy success would be the big fat pay check that he receives from his boss! That’s how success is interpreted differently.

The key to success simply lies in hard work. Of course, you need to put in those efforts over a period of time. No skyscrapers have been built in a day.  Agreed it is that fat lump sum that will make you happy and give you the feeling of ‘I am successful’. You may be successful but yet not happy. Be successful in a way that leaves you happy and contended.

Hard work is just one aspect of success. It won’t work unless you are extremely passionate and perseverant about achieving your goal. Its all about how you work your way out through odds and yet emerge victorious. Success could come out of anywhere! Its for you to look around and grab that moment which is “yours”! Lastly, if you really want to know how success works, then you can read ‘The richest man in Babylon by George S Clason, The secret by Rhonda Byrne and The success magazine.

Meet The Man Who Has Coached, Inspired And Transformed Tens Of Thousands Of People In 35 Countries Worldwide With The Success Principle.


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